Prepared Blessings

As most stay at home moms feel at one point or another...I have been wondering where my place really was in this world. Yes I know, I am a stay at home mom, one of the most important and hardest jobs in the world, but lately I have been wanting a little bit more. So since I am a Christian and I wasn't getting answers on my own, I lifting my big problem up to the big man upstairs. My answer came in more ways than one...

First hint. At church, literally the next day, they were talking about finding your place to serve. How you can use your gifts that God has given you to help out those in need, your church, and your community.

Well yes! That is it! But what are my gifts? Not only that, but what can I do with a toddler at home, a son with a busy schedule, and me being pregnant? Now that is the big question.

After lots of thought and prayer I came to the realization that I LOVE cooking, and not to brag but I am pretty good at it too. Luckily they just started a small group at our church that takes meals to those who are going through troubled times or are in need. Which worked out perfect because it was one meal a week and I loved cooking for someone knowing that it was going to be a blessing to them. Little did I know, that was just to get my feet wet.

Second hint. A few weeks later I got an email from a friend asking me what this preparing meals thing was all about. I explained what I was doing with the group at church and how much I was loving it. Her response, "Well I was looking to pay someone to cook 4 meals a week for me. Would you perhaps be interested?"

God sure does have a funny way of getting the point across to us :) So for the past few weeks I have been preparing her meals, some frozen and some hot and I have been loving every minute of it. So much in fact that I decided to give my little side business a name. Prepared Blessings. Through this side business I am able to use to profits I make to go towards the meals that I am making for the church group that I am a part of.

Now every week I get to share God's love through the gift and love of cooking that he gave me. How awesome is that!?!

What are some of your gifts that God has blessed you with?


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