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Such A Great Mom

As a mom, from one time or another, you have heard someone say how great of a mom you are. My friends say it to me, and my instant reaction is, "No, I am not." In my head I start running through all my failures that day, week, month, heck the past 10 years. Today, I felt like a complete failure. My patience was non existent, my house was a disaster,and my anxiety was through the roof. Too much to be done and not enough time to do it, let alone enjoy my family. I honestly wanted to break down and crawl in a hole. But, I am a mom of three, that is not an option. I pulled my big girl panties on, slapped some make up on, and off to church we went. We got there on time, which in itself was a miracle. Dropped the kids off to their classrooms, got to our seats, and I took a deep breath. In my head I was thinking, "Okay Brooke you got this. No one is aware of how you're feeling, well except your husband. You have your smile on, you shared some pleasantries with your frie

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